Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey

Khamis, 21 Februari 2013

25 Rules of being close to Allah SWT =)

1.  Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.

 2.  Put Allah first in your life.

 3.  Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a booklet having supplications and read them.

 4.  Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).

 5.  If someone says something mean  ;to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shall forgive them.

 6.  When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless life is to waste in being Angry.

 7.  Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your creation (i.e. live for Allah).

 8.  When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thank Allah for that, and pray its continuation.

 9.  When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,and thank Allah that it's not worse than it is.

 10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a poor person, or caressing an orphan's head.

 11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work For it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves.

 12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.

 13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him(those who are enemies of Him).

 14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence (this is tough!!).

 15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He is watching you.

 16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah to guide them to the right path.

 17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but stop at Allah's orders.

 18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or her and you are rewarded.

 19. Forgive, forget and smile.

 20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beings with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when remembering Allah.

 21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignore and remember how the Prophet (SAAW) and the Sahaba were criticized, made fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience.

 22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing not just passing your eyes through the words.

 23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more than gain.

 24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be better than you.

 25. Send this to all brothers with the intention of having a healthy society living for Allah and pray.

Khamis, 14 Februari 2013

Back To Work After Long Holiday

Morning all..Upppsss..afternoon all..

Yess..back to work after Long Holiday..
Hmmmm..guess what??of course lots of work have to be done within this 2 days.
Update course file,marking and marking,set the question for quizzes.. huaaaaa..
Notes, slide presentation..


Sebenarnye teringat kan Auni a.k.a Mak Jemah yang kene demam campak tu..
kene Demam Campak macam x Gaye Demam..Membuasnye Ya Allah...Tuhan je yang tahu..
Semalam,boleh die nak panjat sofa kat ruang tamu..Sofa tu tinggi ok!!!!tinggi...bile marah..die senyummmm..Of course lah x jadi marah..Ikut perangai sape lah ni..Of course bukan perangai aku..aku sopan sikit...hahaha..sikit je lah.Belum sampai nak bukak peti ais and masuk duk bertapa dalam tuh..Tu perangai org lain..Not me..Paham2 sendiri la ek sape..wahahahaha

 nampak tak gigi Auni tuh..ala..yang 2 batang kat atas tuh..Gigi Kapak wokey..Besar  pastu jarang...Bile tengok je gigi die..rase nak guling2 gelak..

Papa die..Selalu kutuk budak iklan kat tv tu yang ckap"Kenapa awak xde duit"iklan tu lah..budak tu kan gigi Kapak besar..
2la jangan mengata anak xpe ini gigi susu je pun..belum gigi betul lagi..

Selasa, 5 Februari 2013

Marking Scheme


morning everyone..

marking scheme..actually i have to mark student exam papers..ya..of course planning to mark it during mcm biase la weekend dihabiskan dekat rumah..kemas rumah,melayan si kecik,buat itu ini,mendobi dsb..sampai terlupe nak mark..nasib deadline esok..wahaaha..and baru sedar,dlm beg keje,just have student answer script je without answer which aku tertinggal kat ofis.mmmm..patutla cam xde mood nak marking paper..hahahaha..
ni baru anak sorang,kalo 2 ke 3 ke?ape lagi yang aku nak tinggal..huh..

Isnin, 4 Februari 2013

Adab Di Jalan Raya

kenapa aku nak ckp pasal hal ni..sbb tiap2 hari duk hadapi masalah yang same.masalah dikalangan pemandu di malaysia yang boleh aku kate tak beradap..tak semua la..segelintir la..sape yang makan cili terasa lah pedas nye..Kebanyakannya Selfish..Kenapa aku kate cam tu???coz masing2 nak sampai on time ke tempat keje..Gerak dah lambat nih..Tp nak sampai Awal..So ape diorang buat..Potong que lah..yang sepatutnya 3 lane jadi 5 lane..Macamane tak jem..undang2 buat sendiri..
Pada aku lah nak masuk lane lain ke ape ke?yang penting bg signal..Tu yang penting..So orang x sakit hati..Ini tidak kereta die dah besar dah..tetibe nak menyelit lane org..tak bg signal plak tu..mmm...kete die mahal sangat kot,tu yang x boleh bg signal tu..Macam2..
Pagi2 hari dah stress..
Tepuk dada tanye Selera...Berhemah kah anda???